We want to welcome you to The University of Kansas Health System’s St. Francis Campus! It is our privilege to serve our community and to continue a legacy of excellent, compassionate care. We know that you are more than your health concerns, and so we believe in treating the whole person, making sure that you have support and resources for true wellness. We promise to treat you with respect and kindness, and to continuously invest in our community. We are proud to be a part of a history and a future larger than ourselves. Thank you for trusting us with your care.

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News & Events
St. Francis Celebrates First Robotic-Assisted Lobectomy
Read more: St. Francis Celebrates First Robotic-Assisted LobectomyThe University of Kansas Health System St. Francis Campus is proud to announce a significant milestone in its commitment to advanced patient care. In late October, Dr. Stephen L. Dickson Jr., an accomplished cardiothoracic surgeon who joined the health system’s St. Francis Campus in July, successfully performed the hospital’s first robotic-assisted lobectomy. This groundbreaking procedure…
Farmer empowered to live healthy life after colon cancer surgery
Read more: Farmer empowered to live healthy life after colon cancer surgeryArt Wilburn readily admits that his Type A personality drives him to control almost every situation. But when it comes to dealing with colon cancer, he freely gives up control to his doctors and his God.
How to Prepare for a Mammogram
Read more: How to Prepare for a MammogramWe get it. No one looks forward to a mammogram. And why would you? Whether it’s a routine screening or because you’ve found something suspicious, it’s ultimately a check to see if you have cancer. That, along with the discomfort of the exam itself, can be more than a little nerve-racking for most women. It’s…